Tip for Cleaning and Caring for Silk Pillowcases

by Patrick Nelson
best silk pillowcase for hair + maintaining silk pillowcases

Sleep is a necessity and not just ‘sleep’ but good sleep. Having proper pillows with good quality pillowcases promotes comfort, relaxation, and overall great sleep. Silk is one of the best materials you can choose for your pillowcases. It is soft, smooth, and lustrous, making it appear high-end and royalty. Get the best silk pillowcase for hair and skin healthy appearance from any trusted store. We discuss how to wash and care for silk pillowcases below.

Process of Maintaining Silk Pillowcases

Silk pillowcases are delicate and must be handled with care. Despite washing your face before sleep, pillowcases still collect dirt from the oils you use on your face and hair. Regular pillowcase cleaning is necessary to avoid the breeding of bacteria or skin problems like acne. It also prevents them from worsening if you already have them. You can change out the cases at the end of every week for hygiene purposes.

a. Washing

You can wash using a machine or by hand. Both methods are suitable for use, depending on your capabilities.

1. Machine washing

When using the machine, put the silk pillowcases in a mesh bag before placing them inside to protect them from any sharp points and set the machine on the gentle cycle. Ensure you check for stains before washing. Pre-treating stains is crucial as it only makes the washing easier. You can do that by applying a small amount of detergent to the area and letting it sit for 10-15 minutes before washing.

Avoid harsh detergents that may damage the silk by interfering with its smooth feel. Use a mild detergent that works well on the fabric, maintains its condition, and still cleans well. Keep the water cold since hot water ruins the fibers. When rinsing, add a cup of vinegar to the water to remove soap traces.

2. Hand washing

Silk is a strong and durable material, but it’s very delicate when wet. When handwashing, use cold water and avoid twisting or wringing to prevent fiber breakage. Like in machine washing, look out for stains too and treat them before the actual washing. Pour a bit of detergent on the silk case and use your finger to work it in.

Leave for some minutes, then wash. Go in with a gentle detergent that doesn’t leave the pillowcase feeling rough. Whether liquid or powder form, use a teaspoon of detergent in every washbasin, but you can adjust it depending on the laundry size. Add a cup of vinegar to your rinsing water to clear all soap and keep the silk smooth.


Air-dry the silk pillowcases on a rack as heat destroys the fibers. Keep the rack away from direct sunlight or heat.


Iron the pillowcase on low heat if it is highly creased. Place a cloth on top to prevent direct contact between it and the iron. This method works, but it’s not advisable. Make soft folds while folding to avoid the weakening of the fibers.


Silk is more expensive than other pillowcase materials. For this reason, proper care must be given during and after washing to keep it in good condition. Retain its smooth feel by using mild soap, avoid wringing, which may break the fibers, and avoid heat unless necessary. Ensure the pillowcases are fully dry since silk is weak when wet.

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